Step-Up to Pediatrics
Samir S. Shah MD (Author), Brian Alverson MD (Author), Jeanine Ronan (Author)
Outline format, high-yield-yet-comprehensive review of pediatric pathophysiology and clinical information, written specifically as a guide for third year medical, PA, or NP students during their pediatrics rotation. Key features include Quick Hits margin notes to highlight key points and a set of 100 “end-of-book” exam questions offered in both print and as a free iPhone app to accompany the text. A website on thePoint offers full text online, plus an image bank, and possible online or mobile video clips or audio clips (ie, heart sounds).
Product Details
- Series: Step-Up Series
- Paperback: 544 pages
- Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1 Pap/Psc edition (December 3, 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1451145802
- ISBN-13: 978-1451145809
- ISBN-13: 9781451145809
- eText ISBN: 9781469839134
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