During this interprofessional session members of the Mayo Clinic Medical Emergency Response Subcommittee discuss modifications that have been developed for the institution’s Rapid Response Team and Code Management processes and procedures since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This group discusses the rationale for these modifications, emphasizing the importance of personal protective equipment, crowd control , and use of a mechanical CPR device in this high risk setting to limit the number of code team members and maximize infection control measures. |
Target Audience
This online CME course is intended for health care providers caring for patients with COVID-19 in the critical care setting.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this online CME course, learners should be able to:
– Describe the technical, workflow changes in respiratory therapy practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.
– Recall the updated Mayo Clinic hypoxemia protocol.
– Describe current use of prone positioning in patients with ARDS.
– Describe safe intubation practices in COVID-19 patients.
– Describe best practices to minimize aerosol generation during intubation.
– Describe changes to rapid response, code team processes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
– Recall current training methods for code management and RRT teams.
– Identify common drug interactions seen in COVID-19 patients.
– Describe current critical care drug shortages, and considerations for drug substitutions in this setting.
– Recall common dosing considerations and adjustments in the setting of acute liver, kidney injury in COVID-19 patients.
– A Case Based Approach to Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in COVID-19 Patients
– Applied Ethics Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic
– Code Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic Innovations and Infection Control
– Innovative Approaches to the Management of Respiratory Failure in COVID-19 Patients
– Life After COVID-19 Critical Illness Innovations in the Follow Up and Care of These ICU Survivors
– Maximizing COVID-19 ICU Team Performance Workflow, Mindset Training, and Resilience
– Maximizing Safety and Success Endotracheal Intubation During the COVID-19 Pandemic
– Pharmacology, Drug Shortages, and COVID-19 What is an ICU Team to Do
– Telemedicine (ICU Outreach During a Pandemic)
Release Date : 05/01/2020
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